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Friday, March 29, 2013

Describe With Art

Describe With Art by Virtual Speech Center Inc. is a wonderful app for ages preschool to elementary grades that helps with describing and following directions. This app work with these skills with both receptive and expressive tasks. When you get to the activities screen you can choose between describe it and follow directions. Each of these activities include different categories or sets. You can select all or choose which you would like the user to work on. The painter greats you when you start using the app. There is a record button to have the user record and listen back to their answers. There is an awesome painting activity included for the user to do after they receive so many correct answers. You can choose to have this activity on/off and how many questions correct before it comes on. Before the activity will come up it will ask if you would like to do this now and you can choose go to activity or not right now. This app is really helpful with my children as they have a lot of difficulties describing and following directions. The pictures are realistic and the voice is done very well and easily understood. My children really have enjoyed the incentive this app offers with the painting. I try to use that to my advantage as well by having them draw some type of object that I describe. I would highly highly highly recommend this app :)


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