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Monday, November 21, 2011

PreK Digital Workbooks- Space Board Astronaut Series and Kindergarten Digital Workbooks- Space Board Rocket Series

PreK Digital Workbooks- Space Board Astronaut Series and Kindergarten Digital Workbooks- Space Board Rocket Series by NeoLithix, LLC are wonderful digital workbooks. There are over 500 different pages in each app. These apps help our children learn and grow throughout all the school years up to 5th grade.

PreK Digital Workbooks- Space Board Astronaut Series is an app built for Preschoolers with many different workbook activities. Your child will practice writing the alphabet, tracing, rhyming, shapes, numbers and more. This app has helped my son a lot with learning how to start writing in general, not counting "the whole learning everything he needs to know before Kindergarten" benefits. A stylus is recommended for this app but I've found you do not have to have one if your child can not hold a stylus. It makes it hard to write without one but if your not looking for the tracing you can go without. I purchased my stylus off of Amazon.com for very inexpensively. Just be sure to find the right fit for your child. This app is great for special needs children for learning skills for school and for home schooled children. I love that your child can write in many different colors and sized lines and erasing is easy too. You'll be amazed with this app as your child learns and grows from it. Highly recommended app :)

Kindergarten Digital Workbooks- Space Board Rocket Series is another wonderful Space Boards app for Kindergarten level. There are 18 skill packets included with this app with so much to do. Watch as your child learns letters, dot-to-dots, numbers, rhyming, time, and so much more. This app has everything for Kindergarten and will help your child learn to start reading, writing, and so much more. This app has helped my Kindergartner learn so much that he is finally doing really well in school and has almost caught up with his classmates. This app has everything you could want for your kindergartner in workbook form. Once again, a stylus is recommended but same as above you can still do the work but a stylus works as a pencil just like your child would be using in school so it is highly recommended for these apps. Highly recommended app :)

Space Board apps are expensive but well worth the price if you figure out how much workbooks cost in the stores and they can't be reused like these apps. The higher the level of Space Boards apps the more in depth skills become with wonderful things for not only writing but science, social studies, and more. If your child is having problems with a certain skill they have apps for them individually too :). If you want to try one of the Space Boards apps before hand they have a trial version with samples of the Preschool version available on iTunes:)

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