welcome to their world apps

Thursday, November 24, 2011


EasyConcepts by Easy Speak Enterprises is a great app for children to learn basic concepts and develp skills for verbal directions. I'm sure a lot of you that read my reviews deal with in some way speech and this is a great app for learning verbal directions which is part of a speech eval. This game includes three interactive games that target all kinds of skills to learn concepts, attention and listening skills, auditory recall and processing skills. The three parts are animal sizes which helps teach biggest and smallest and size concepts, number two is following directions in two levels of play (level 1 has basic two steps directions and level 2 having three step directions), and number three is before and after two step directions. This app is not only great for these kinds of speech skills but is also fun for our children to use. You travel through a farm, a jungle, a rainforest, and an underwater adventure learning all these great basic skills. The pictures are wonderful and the voice used in the app is clear and understandable. I would recommend this app to any one that has a child that needs to work on basic 2 and 3 step directions :)


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